Friday, October 4, 2013

Nasal Congestion: How to Get Rid of it Quicker

Part of being a 24 hour athlete is staying healthy. I mean, what good are you if your unable to play, work, or spend quality time with your family if you're sidelined? Don't get me wrong, there are a plethora of reasons to knock someone down for a day or two but today's topic is about a supplementation garnered to assist in getting you back to 100%.

A few weeks ago, I was assisting in a construction job in an older building. All sorts of allergens clogged up my eyes, nose, and mouth. It also didn't help that I wasn't sleeping as much as usual (lowering my immune system even further) and I wasn't eating as strictly as I would have liked. I mean, when your working/working out you get to eat whatever you want right?...Well, I got sick within hours. I feel my throat drying up the longer I was working and eventually I had to stop and call it a day.

I contacted my respected pharmacology professor and opened up some textbooks for guidance. I landed on two supplements that immediately affected my symptoms. I started taking 500mg of Bromelain and 500mg of N-Acetylcysteine (NAC for short) each day until my symptoms subsided (which was within hours of taking my first installment, but I continued for a few more days just to be sure).

Let's start with Bromelain. This is a potent anti-inflammatory botanical. This is not a drug. Bromelain is found throughout all parts of pineapple, with the stem carrying the highest concentration. Bromelain acts to inhibit a number of biochemical pathways that all lead to inflammatory molecules thereby reducing the amount of blood flow to an infected area: my sinuses. If left alone, the worst case scenario would be a secondary bacterial infection in my sinuses requiring some antibiotic (which would then destroy my gut flora). So, let's try to avoid that.

Next up is NAC. Depending on its chemical form, it could be prescribed from a physician or it could be purchased over the counter at local nutrition stores. The form that I purchased was the supplement form, not the pharmaceutical. Besides a lengthy list of beneficial mechanisms, including promoting healthy liver function and inhibiting viral replication of the Influenza A virus, the primary use for NAC  is for it's mucolytic functions. Muco = mucus... Lytic = Breaks down. Got it. So, I have nasal congestion and I keep sneezing and I can't breathe when I sleep. Take Bromelain to reduce inflammation, and NAC to break up the mucous so I can breathe. Within a hours of taking both 500mg of NAC and Bromelain, I could breathe. Most people reach for an anti-histmine in the medicine cabinet when they feel "stuffed up".Taking an anti-histamines, such as Benedryl, on the other hand, thickens mucus and therefore exasperates acute sinusitis! I don't know how many times I have made that mistake. If you are seriously struggling to sleep, then take the anti-histamine for its sedative effects, but as soon as you wake up take NAC + Bromelain and drink a lot of water.

Both supplements can be purchased at a local grocery stores or nutrition shop. For 100 capsules, the price is reasonable at only $15 apiece. The effects of getting rid of the congestion and allergens is priceless if you desire to get healthy quicker. Both are safe and both are natural. Enjoy.

Godiyal, S. "Health Benefits of Bromelain: An Anti-inflammatory Enzyme."

Norek, D. "N-acetylcysteine for Detoxification, cognitive proteection and more."

Rushworth, G. and Morgan, I. "Existing and potential therpeutic uses for N-acetycysteine: The need for concversion to intracellular glutathione for antioxidant effects." Journal of Pharmacologic Therapy. 27 September 2013. Web:

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